Enron Mail

To:patti.sullivan@enron.com, tori.kuykendall@enron.com, jane.tholt@enron.com,sylvia.campos@enron.com, faye.ellis@enron.com, richard.pinion@enron.com, torrey.moorer@enron.com, bob.bowen@enron.com, jennifer.blay@enron.com, dianne.swiber@enron.com, scott.
Date:Wed, 14 Jun 2000 23:56:00 -0700 (PDT)

Just wanted to let everyone know about the changes that will be made in the
upcoming week(s) to the EPNG/Blanco/Blanco meter. Currently, Blanco is an
active pool facility that is traded by the West desk. In order to allow the
Deal Confirmations group to identify which trades require special handling
language in the confirm, we have all decided to create a second meter with
the same data reference number in Global Facilities. Doing this will serve
three purposes. First of all, creating a second meter on the same data
reference number allows users to see two separate meters in Sitara without
affecting the way that physical location is nominated to the pipe since all
they receive is the data reference number. The change will also allow the
Product Controls Group to create multiple products in EOL with different
pricing terms on the same physical point. In addition, it will temporarily
resolve the issue the Deal Confirmation is currently experiencing in
segregating the confirmations that need special language. I will be
creating a portfolio that will include all new trades done at both BLANCO
meters which will be monitored by the Deal Confirmation group. I will make
sure to contact all of you once the meter change has become effective. When
the change is completed, expect to see the following locations available for
selection in Sitara.

Pipe Zone Meter Product Description
EPNG BLANCO BLANCO EP Blanco 100%; use the standard Delivery Location field
and add flag "Special Handling - 2 Nomination Cycle language".

EPNG BLANCO AVGBLANCO RESTRICTED, use the standard Delivery Location field
and add flag "Special Handling - Operational Constraints language".

Please call me if you have any questions.

Imelda Frayre