Enron Mail

To:tingwer@smud.org, rjelici@smud.org
Subject:Revised EEI Cover Sheet
Cc:stewart.rosman@enron.com, tracy.ngo@enron.com, carol.clair@enron.com,dan.hyvl@enron.com, laird.dyer@enron.com, kim.ward@enron.com, bbrunel@smud.org, marino.monardi@smud.org
Bcc:stewart.rosman@enron.com, tracy.ngo@enron.com, carol.clair@enron.com,dan.hyvl@enron.com, laird.dyer@enron.com, kim.ward@enron.com, bbrunel@smud.org, marino.monardi@smud.org
Date:Thu, 8 Mar 2001 04:17:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Tom and Ron,

Attached please find the revised EEI Cover Sheet which hopefully captures all
the modifications agreed between SMUD and Enron. I have blacklined in all the
modifications for ease of reference. Please let me know if I have overlooked

The Amendment Agreement for the ISDA should be coming shortly from my
colleague, Carol St. Clair.

Please let me know if you have any comments to the EEI.


Shari Stack
Enron North America, Legal Department
Tel: (713) 853-9477