Enron Mail

Subject:EFCU Hosts Student Loan Workshop - Feb 9
Date:Wed, 31 Jan 2001 13:29:00 -0800 (PST)

EFCU Hosts Student Loan Workshop

If there is a student in your household who is preparing for college, you
don't want to miss Enron Federal Credit Union's 2001 Student Loan Workshop.
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation (TGSLC) Representative, Cynthia
Mayberry, will be on hand to explain the student loan process, the best time
to apply for a student loan, how to get as much money as possible, answer
questions, and more. Join us:

Friday, February 9
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Enron Building - 5C2
Refreshments will be served.

Reserve your seat by sending an e-mail to kim.foley@enron.com.